Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Omega Man - 1971

Yes, this is a blast from the past, the original I Am Legend movie (6/10). You didn't know it was done already? Well, my friend it was done many many moons ago.

The Omega Man, It was one of my very favorite Chilly Billy movies. I watched this movie again the other night and it was less scary then I remembered it. Of course I was only a pup when I last seen this flick. This movie used to haunt my nightmares, seriously ghost white faces with white eyes under black hoods with huge afros, seriously freaked me out.

What The Omega Man teaches us:
1. Biological warfare survivors become albino mutant hippies that wear black capes.
2. Chuck has seen and memorized the Woodstock documentary.
3. When you are the last man alive it's still super cool to drive a convertible.

Chilly Billy was the late night host of Chiller Theater. Chilly Billy was played by Pittsburgh's very own Bill Cardille, a legend in his own time.

I was around 9 or 10 years old when I started watching Chilly Billy, and this is probably when I developed my love of movies, especially vampire movies. I would attempt to stay up for the double feature which was over about 3am. I rarely managed it, but hardly a Saturday night went by during these influential years that I wasn't glued to the set. I remember being jolted awake from the sounds of the off the air signal, sometimes I awoke to the sound of The Star-Spangled Banner that played immediately following the movie but before the off air signal, which was an awful sound.

My mind wonders, what did insomniacs do before the days of cable TV and the internet?

The Omega Man 6/10

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